Welcome to Swanton Morley
Swanton Morley Parish Council is made up of nine Parish Councillors, who have been democratically elected (or subsequently co-opted) onto the Council to make policy decisions about the way the village is run and about how a proportion of your council tax (known as our precept) is spent.
They are usually elected for a term of four years but can also be co - opted if a vacancy arises mid-term or seats remain unfilled after an election. Councillors are elected to represent the views of the community and to consider the needs of the local environment. They are the first point of contact for anybody in the village with a community issue.
Councillors must abide by a code of conduct and declare any pecuniary (financial) interest they have in the parish - this information is then held on a register by Breckland District Council.
Your current councillors are listed below.

Roger Atterwill - Chairman
Special Responsibilities: Member of Personnel Working Group, Finance and Governance Working Group and CASM (Climate Action for Swanton Morley). District Council liaison.
Contact - 07841 488860

Brenda O'Dowd - Vice-chairman & Councillor
Special Responsibilities: Member of Personnel Working Group and Finance and Governance working group. PPG liaison
Contact - 01362 637226

John Phillip - Councillor
Special Responsibilities: Volunteers - litter picking
Contact - 01362 637820

Jose Rodrigues - Councillor
Special Responsibilities: representative on the Barrett's Charity Committee. Member of the Personnel Working Group and Finance and Governance Working Group.
Contact c/o 01362 637166

Mr Stephen Gauntlett - Councillor
Special Responsibilities:
Contact - 01362 637703

David Turner - Councillor
Special Responsibilities: Allotments, Community Speed Watch scheme.
Contact - 07719 177527

Alison Walker-Fraser - Councillor
Special Responsibilities: Footpaths, Burial Ground & Churchyard. Member of Personnel Working Group. PPG liaison.
Contact - 07713 122074

Mr Jim Venworth
Special Responsibilities: Common Lands, Open Spaces, Streetlights
Contact - 01362 637963

Mr Brian Powter
Special Responsibilities: TBA
Contact - 07885 707377

To ensure full transparency of decisions, councillors have all declared what items they could be discussing in which they have a pecuniary (financial) interest. The register of interests for each councillor, is held by Breckland District Council. Swanton Morley Parish Council has also adopted its own code of conduct, by which councillors must abide.