Welcome to Swanton Morley
Safety in our Village
Speed Awareness Monitoring
As with many villages, vehicles travelling above the designated speed is of concern to parishioners. To help made drivers aware of their speed and to monitor the situation, the Council have a number of speed awareness signs (SAMS). These signs are positioned in various locations and provide useful data on vehicle speeds.
The Community Speed Watch team also monitors and sends results to the police for follow action. At present, we have 3 trained volunteers and in recent months it has become more difficult to run these sessions because of a lack of volunteers. Norfolk Constabulary provide the equipment on the basis that regular monitoring takes place. Without volunteers, the scheme will fold. We need more volunteers ! If you could spare an hour that would be helpful.
If you can help, please contact the Parish Clerk or Councillor Dave Turner. Contact details are on tis website.

Roads and Highways
Road surfaces, potholes, signage are not the responsibility of the Parish Council. They are the responsibility of Norfolk County Council and any problems relating to roads, highways, trails, public rights of way, should be reported directly to Norfolk County Council via their website - https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/roads/report-a-problem
There is also a portal called Fix My Street which feeds problems to the relevant county council. The website is -
Where the County Council are planning road closures on the area, the Parish Clerk will post this information, as soon as it is received, on our Facebook community page.
Lets keep our village tidy.
We have litter picking tools and bags for volunteers willing to participate/organise a litter collection. Please contact the Parish Clerk or Councillor John Phillips if you can help and/or wish to volunteer a little time.

We have a number of dog 'poo' bins around the village to help dog walkers dispose of their dog's waste.
Please be vigilant on grazing land. Parasites can be transmitted to livestock through infected dog waste and some of these parasites can result in abortion in cattle and death in sheep.
Thank you for helping to keep our village pleasant for walkers and dog owners alike.