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Swanton Morley Parish Council response to Breckland District Council's Local Plan review


"Roger Atterwill, Chairman of Swanton Morley Parish Council said, the Parish Council commissioned an independent analysis of Breckland Council's local development plan proposals. This detailed 126 page report was discussed at length and unanimously agreed by Parish Councillors at our meeting held on Monday 8th July. This has been submitted to Breckland Council. The report provides detailed analysis of Breckland's proposed development policies and constructive observations and response concerning the future of Robertson Barracks.  We are aware that this brownfield site could be utilised by the Government for prison or immigration purposes but the Parish Council feels that it has a lot of potential for both housing and employment growth. This would be our preferred option. There are many existing technical buildings which could be repurposed to create business premises and the Parish Council understands the potential the site has to create jobs for local people. We will continue to work constructively with Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Breckland Council in the months and years ahead."


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